La Saint-Valentin: The perfect Occasion for the Grab & Go Vase! - FlowerBox

La Saint-Valentin: The perfect Occasion for the Grab & Go Vase!

A trip through the South of France in mid-February makes one wonder about the traditions of Valentine's Day in a country known for romance. No one really knows how Valentine's Day originally came about or even who St. Valentine really was. The Catholic church has three different St. Valentine's, and in ancient Rome ,the 14th of February was marked as a holiday to honor the god Juno. Custom has it that in France and England Valentine's Day originally came to be held in mid February because this was the time of year that birds and animals started pairing off and mating. Eventually it became popular to exchange flowers, gifts and love letters — and so the day was born.

Following in this tradition, the United States embraced Valentine's Day. I remember from a very young age exchanging cards and candies with my classmates. Now, as I learn the floral business, I'm always looking for new and creative ways to present flowers to customers. Enter the Grab & Go Vase with its sleek European design and easily customizable surface. It includes a romantic silk ribbon handle and matching gift card. As a florist, you can design directly in the vase, or feature the vases next to your wrapped flower display as an add-on sale. Just open and add water and flowers!


In France, Valentine's cards are called cartes d'amities. The first recorded Valentine's greeting was said to have been sent by the Duke of Orleans, a Frenchman who was held prisoner in the Tower of London after his capture at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415. During his imprisonment, the young duke supposedly sent poems and love letters to his wife in France.

It is also traditional for religious pilgrims in France to travel to St Valentin, a pretty village in Indre named after St. Valentine. These days, the village holds many events and ceremonies dedicated to Valentine's Day, including marriage vow renewals.

The romance of French Valentine's is alive and well today, and you can capture that romance in a simple to use Grab & Go Vase by FlowerBox. Add romantic sticky ribbon designs or glam it up with gemstone sticky ribbons. The Grab & Go even makes an excellent bouquet delivery system. It packs flat, hangs beautifully in merchandising systems, and shipping is a breeze: 30 come in a case and weigh less than 5 pounds!

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